
A Recap of the Semester

  Design is simple which makes it easy to follow and understand. Other than the word sport there is not too much else to let people know it is transgenders in sports. The figures infront of the word sport was clever. This is a fun yet sophisticated way to share information about a person while having a professional layout that stands out to future employers. It is neat and easy to follow with just the right amount of information. Fun in the Magic Kingdom is being accomplished here with showing main attractions, places to dine, and show times in the park. Featuring some characters you might see along the way strolling through the park. The layout is pleasing and shows the viewers what to look forward too. Design is simple and get the point across. Obviously the business has something to do with crystals.  Text is a little tricky to read but was clever because of the ombre background. The image sticks out because of the pop of color and is very well tied together with the black ...

Final Project Coming Together


Logos Logos Logos

  Domin Crystal is a clothing line that has different party type shirts that are decorated with beautiful crystals. Clothing includes things like shoes, handbags, hair accessories, tops, bottoms, dresses, jewelry, and more such as keychains and belts. Seen as a higher end company but not as expensive as things like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Prada. Domin Crystal is named the way it is so people know the last name of the designer, it is short and easy to remember, and decorating with crystals is the main point of the business. The demographic of the company is more towards people in their 20s to 30s. The audience is people who like to be a little flashy. People who like to be bold. This company would appeal well to college students who like to go out to parties or bars. The clothing does have crystals but it is a tasteful amount not an absurd amount. When looking for specific style online it is hard to find something exactly wanted for a special going out occasion. Domin Crystal is t...

Transgenders in Sports

      Transgenders in sports is an issue that has gotten a lot bigger over the past few years. Controversy of males identifying as females, if they should be allowed in women sports. Controversy of females identifying as males, if they should be allowed in mens sports. People are confusing genetics with gender. Biological males are built  different. They are built stronger and faster. They can jump higher, run faster, hit harder.      Women have fought for a long time to get the rights that we have today. Women were not able to play sports, they stayed home and took care of the house. Just  the other day, March 25 2021, the first all female broadcast on ESPN occurred to talk about the Toronto Raptors NBA game. This was history. Women are still fighting for rights. The issue with the NCAA tournament comparing the women's weight room, meals, and gift bags for making it that far compared to the mens. A male who now identifies...

Help Save Lives in Uganda

     An organization that needs more attention is Sole Hope. Sole hope is a nonprofit organization that creates shoes out of old jeans for people living in Uganda. The people in Uganda suffer from a parasite called jiggers. Jiggers are very painful. People can’t walk, they get very infected, and people die from having these jiggers. Sole hope creates shoes so that the people in Uganda don’t walk around barefoot and get these jiggers. The steps to action are very easy, simple, and inexpensive. You trace shapes onto old pairs of jeans, trace four of one shape, and trace 2 of the other shape on the jeans and trace 2 of the last shape on a plastic folder, then cut the shapes out, and then paper clip them together. Those 8 cutouts create one pair of shoes. You then send them to the company who creates the shoes and gives them to the people of Uganda.       Awareness needs to be brought about this problem. People to not think of not having shoes as a problem...

Resume Designs

Updated Thumbnails Final Comp Resume

Visual and Audio Work Together

Communication is an important Factor in today’s society. Target audience plays a big role in deciding which type of communications works the best. The most effective communication types are audio and visual. Three really strong examples of audio and visual communication are presented below. Links to the ads are hyperlinked to the brand's name. Audio communication is listening to commercials, radio ads, or little jingles. It is intriguing and it sticks in our head like an ear worm. People don’t even realize that when they recite what they have just heard, thinking they are just singing random words, they are actually helping promote the company more. Take the JG Wentworth jingle for example. The jingle is very catchy, gets the message across in a simple way, and is short enough to be remembered. Memorizing jingles is almost the same thing as trying to memorize a song that your favorite artist had just recently released. The difference being that the jingles, ads, and commercials ar...